FroboMind:Cheat Sheet

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Commonly used ROS commands

ROS topics

To see a graphical overview over current nodes and topics run:


Check the Quiet and All topics buttons. Then click the graph and press f to zoom the graph to your current window size. You can use the arrow keys and PgUp/PgDown for pan and zoom.

To list all current topics run:

rostopic list

To monitor a topic run:

rostopic echo /fmSensors/gpgga_msg

ROS bags

To record all topics in a rosbag run:

rosbag record -a -o filename

To record a subset of topics in a rosbag run:

rosbag record -o filename /fmBSP/gps_rx /fmExtractors/gps_state_msg

To get information about a certain rosbag run:

rosbag info filename.bag

To replay a rosbag run:

rosbag play filename.bag

To convert a topic to CSV format while replaying run:[1]

rostopic echo -p /topic > filename.csv

To convert to CSV format directly (without replaying) run:

rostopic echo -b filename.bag -p /topic

