FMCtrl:Frobomind Actuator

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Frobomind_Actuator Hardware

For this project a FroboMind_Controller is used along with a TR-MM215

Frobomind_Actuator Firmware


FroboMind: Row Cleaner Actuator (RowCA) :Protocol

RowCA protocol
The protocol is based on NMEA 0183 [1] over a serial port.
Serial communication
Baudrate: 57600
Frame length: 11 bits (N81)
Max bytes per second: 57600/11 = 5236
Max NMEA strings per second: 57600/11/50 = 104 (assuming a total length of 50 chars)

RowCA Status (PFRHI) transmitted by the RowCA firmware

$PFRHI,hw_version, firmware_version_Major_Version, firmware_version_Minor_Version,reset_cause*CS<cr><lf>
hw_version: The Frobit hardware version
1. RoboCard 2. FroboMind Controller
firmware_version_Major_Version: The Row Cleaner major firmware version
1. RowCA
2. N/A
firmware_version_Minor_Version: The Row Cleaner minor firmware version
1. 2014-08-28
reset_cause: The reason why the RowCA hardware was reset:
0. Power on reset 1. Reset 2. Brown-out reset 4. Watchdog reset (15ms timeout) 5. JTAG reset

This message is transmitted only once after boot.
RowCA Control (PFRAC) accepted by RowCA FW
For CS check

If you don’t care for CS

Dist: reference to tell the RowCA the desired actuator length in percentage [0-100].

Frobit Status (PFRST) transmitted by RowCA FW

state: Normal states
• STATE_OK (1)
Warning states
• STATE_NMEA_WARN(2) At least one nmea packet disregarded due to invalid format/CS since last PFBST message.
Error states
• STATE_WATCHDOG (3) No valid nmea packet received for the past 0.2s. (auto reset)
• STATE_LOW_BAT (5) Battery voltage critically low (auto reset).
• STATE_ACTUATOR_FAULT (6) Determent by TR-MM215
act_state: State of the actuator:
• 1: actuator moving out.
• 2: actuator moving in.
• 3: actuator in place.
• 4: actuator fault.
• 5: actuator in reset state
dist: the distance in percentage set by user.
binary_dist: the distance in binary set by user. (10 bit)
measured_dist1: measured actual distance (10 bit ADC value from port PF1)
measured_dist2: measured actual distance (10 bit ADC value from port PF2)
voltage: Battery voltage (10 bit ADC out from voltage divider to allow external calibration)
Frobit RowCA Parameters (PFRSP) accepted by RowCA FW


voltage_min: Battery minimum voltage threshold (10 bit value corresponding to ADC out from voltage divider)

Frobit Communication Parameters (PFRCP) accepted by RowCA FW

$PFBCP,pfbst_interval, pfbct_wd_timeout*CS<cr><lf>
pfbst_interval: Rate of the Frobit Status (PFBST) 1-1000 * [ms] (default 100)
pfbct_wd_timeout: NMEA watchdog timeout (monitoring PFBCT)
0: disable
1-1000 * [ms]

Frobit RowAC RESET command (PFRAR) accepted by RowCA FW

Reset the TR-MM215 MultiMoC actuator control unit.
Be aware that this will course actuator to be fully extended.