Courses:Field Robot Summer Course:Day plan 2012

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  • This day plan is still tentative.
  • Lectures: H22 (unless another room is listed in the time plan)
  • Project work: Every day 08.00 - 16.00 at RoboLab (Hal J)

Week 32

Monday (August 6th, 2012)

09.45 We meet at the RoboLab
10.00-11.15 Welcome, introduction to the course (Kjeld)
12.00-12.30 Forming project groups (Kjeld)
12.30-13.15 Getting to know each other (Kjeld)
13.15-16.30 Introductory project (Kjeld)


08.00-09.00 Team meeting, team contract
09.00-12.00 Introductory project
12.15-13.00 Lecture: Project survival guide (Kjeld)
13.00-15.00 Sprint meetings, 20 minutes each group (Kjeld)


10.15-11.00 Lecture: Biosystems engineering (Rasmus)
12.15-13.00 Lecture: Field robot design (Keld)
13.15-14.00 Lecture: Field robots (Kjeld)
14.15-15.00 Lecture: Wheels, gears & motors (Jørgen)


09.15-11.00 Lecture: Field robots (continued) (Kjeld)
13.15-14.00 Lecture: Navigation sensors (Kjeld)


09.15-11.00 Lecture: Motors, H-bridges, PID controllers (Anders Sørensen)
13.15-14.00 Lecture: Mobile robotics computer vision (Henrik, Morten & Thomas)
14.15-15.00 Workshops mechanics: Gears and motors (Jørgen)

Week 33

Monday (August 13th, 2012)

10.00-11.00 Plenum meeting - exam requirements (Kjeld)
12.15-15.00 Workshops design: Drawing and concepts (Keld)
12.15-13.00 Workshops robotics: Using Git and GitHub (Henrik)
13.15-14.00 Workshops robotics: Computer vision algorithms and tools (Henrik, Morten & Thomas)
14.15-16.00 Workshops robotics: FroboMind/ROS implementation (Søren)


12.00-14.30 Sprint meetings, 30 minutes each group (Jørgen, Keld, Kjeld, Niels, Rasmus)

17.00-19.00 OBS! The power to SDU-TEK will be cut during this period due to electrical maintenance work.


Week 34

Monday (August 20th, 2012)

09.30-10.00 Plenum meeting (Kjeld)
10.00-11.30 Planting of leeks (one from each team participates)
14.00-15.00 Workshop design: Posters, we meet in RoboLab (Keld)
Afternoon Workshop mechanics: Open topics (Jørgen will visit all teams)
14.30-15.00 Workshop robotics: Open topics, requests for more theory?, we meet in RoboLab (Kjeld, Niels)
15.00 Free beer to all who worked with planting the leeks :-)


08.30-11.00 Sprint meetings, 30 minutes each group (Jørgen, Keld, Kjeld, Niels, Rasmus)


Week 35

Monday (August 27th, 2012)

10.00-11.00 Plenum meeting


12.00-14.30 Sprint meetings, 30 minutes each group (Jørgen, Keld, Kjeld, Niels, Rasmus)


09.00-16.00 Exam


08.00-11.00 Workplace & workshop cleanup
11.00-12.00 Test at the field
12.30-14.30 Official presentation & competition
14.30-15.00 Cleanup
15.00 Informal summer course evaluation :-)