Courses:Field Robot Summer Course:2012:Team 4:Blog

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Sprint #1 must complete backlog #1-7. Kelvin is SCRUM Master this sprint.

SCRUM-meeting 9/8-2012: Everyone researched different components (battery, wheels, motor, chassis and so on) and presented the results for the group. We are going to decide which components and which design fits the best for our robot today and start working on a prototype. Furthermore, we will begin to order some of the electric components.

SCRUM meeting 13/8-2012: Kelvin Is not coming today, he has a toothache. The rest of the group went through the sprint backlog, to make sure that all was taken care of, and that every decision had good arguments.

Sprint #2 Mats is scurm master for this sprint

SCRUM-meeting 16/8-2012: We have get ROS up and running. We have received data from the laser range scanner. To day we work with frobomind, to obtain an idea for the architecture for our system. Tosnet is running on our FPGA, so we can control PWM signals to our motors from a PC. Today we will try to get communication to our encoders and testing PID for the speed. These days we will try to come up with some new designs for the shield and try to modified the robot to optimize the weight. We add some protection to our laser.

SCRUM-meeting 20/8-2012: We are working with ransac. Starting making our boards and assembling our robot but we are stilling waiting for the shaft. We have make a glassfiber shield.

SCRUM-meeting 21/8-2012: We can detect a line by using ransac, but it needs some improves like priorities of points. Boards are developed, and these need to be tested today. Concerning mechanics, we continue from yesterday by assembling the robot. We have some timeming problems with our encoder. We still need our small sprockets(tandhjul).

SCRUM-meeting 23/8-2012 Encoder's are ready for testing. The prototype platform are ready. FroboMinde are ready to be used. There have bin some problems with bluetooth and Wifi.

DOCUMENTS: File:Vægtudregning.ods