
Open source software for autonomous unmanned systems

LadyBird getting started


The LadyBird drone is powered via the battery. If you connect a Micro USB cable to the drone without connecting the battery, the logic will power on, but the motors are not powered.

The AutoQuad flight controller has a small power button located on the top of the PCB next to the ublox chip.

To charge the battery please connect the battery to the AutoQuad Flight controller. Then connect the AutoQuad flight controller using a Micro USB cable. The battery will then charge via the USB connection.


The meaning of the LED signals are described here.


You can connect the AQ Ground Control Station software to the LadyBird drone using a Micro USB cable. If you need a wireless connection, we do have Bluetooth modules available for the AutoQuad flight controller.

The ST-Link is used for firmware flashing and debugging. You can read more about the AutoQuad M4 ST-Link connection here.