Open source software for autonomous unmanned systems
FroboMind is organised into a number of repositories listed below. If you have performed the FroboMind Installation you can add repositories to your development environment by running the commands:
cd ~/roswork/src git clone [weblink to repository]
The repositories below constitute the core part of FroboMind. If you intend to use FroboMind you should include these in your development environment.
The FroboMind main repository where you will find the stable FroboMind components which you may use to develop new software for field robot applications.
A ready made demonstration application which will enable you perform autonomous navigation of a Frobit robot. The application includes components for simulation as well, so you need only a computer to test it.
Below is a list of known public repositories for various field robot applications. You may use the applications for inspiration. Some also contains new or improved components under development which may be of your interest. If you know other public application repositories please contact us.
The repositories below contain obsolete or outdated applications and components.
SDU fmApps archive:
SDU fmComponents archive: