Groups:Biosystems Engineering SDU:Ubuntu and ROS on gumstix

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Installing Ubuntu and ROS on a Gumstix Overo Fire FE

Guide inspired by this wiki.

1. Make a minimal headless Ubuntu file system with rootstock (use rootstock- on Ubuntu 10.04, as the version provided in the repositories is buggy):

sudo ./rootstock –fqdn overo –login ubuntu –password tmppwd –imagesize 2G –serial ttyS2 -d lucid –seed build-essential,openssh-server

This takes a few hours.

Note to self: possibly include many other seeds (ROS deps) so we don't have to install them natively later. (wireless-tools and wpasupplicant might be especially useful to have for starters) ex:

–seed wget,wireless-tools,wpasupplicant,usbutils,build-essential,tmux,openssh-server,lynx,python-yaml,cmake,subversion,python-setuptools,pkg-config,python-dev,ntp,libboost-dev,libboost-all-dev,libapr1,libapr1-dev,libaprutil1,libaprutil1-dev,liblog4cxx10,liblog4cxx10-dev

2. Download wireless-tools.deb and libiw29.deb for armel from Debian.

3. Download MLO and u-boot.bin from here, and uImage from here and either ssh the modules from nand out or d/l from here.

4. Format an SD card as per usual and extract MLO, u-boot.bin, uImage, File system, modules and the downloaded .debs.

5. Boot the Overo, login (user: ubuntu, pwd: tmppwd), consider activating the root user:

sudo passwd root

6. Install the debs:

dpkg -i libiw29.deb wirelesstools.deb

Now you should be able to connect to any unprotected network.

7. add "deb http://ports.ubuntu. something lucid main restricted ++ multierse ++ universe" to /etc/apt/sources.list. (no quotes)

8. add "deb lucid main" to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list (no quotes)

9. Run the commands:

apt-get install wget
apt-get install ros-electric-ros-base
echo "source /opt/ros/electric/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

You now have ROS on your gumstix